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DIY Lavender-Mint Sugar Scrub

As many of you know, I am ALL about beauty products that can be made from wholesome ingredients in your own kitchen! This holiday season, I made Lavender-Mint Sugar Scrub for friends and family. It is SUPER easy to make and smells/feels AMAZING! It is the perfect remedy for dry, winter skin (and if you live in an NYC apartment with steam heat that is out of your control, you KNOW how dry things can get...#saharadesert).

Lavender-Mint Sugar Scrub


  • 1 cup organic cane sugar

  • ½ cup organic virgin coconut oil (we prefer Trader Joe’s – it is organic, cold-pressed and unrefined at only $5.99 per jar)

  • 4 drops pure essential lavender oil

  • 2 drops pure essential peppermint oil

Prep Time: 5-minutes


Thoroughly mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Spoon concoction into a 4 oz. crystal jelly ball jar. I used raffia to tie homemade labels around each jar, complete with a little love note. (Each batch makes about 4 jars).


I love to keep my lavender-mint sugar scrub in the shower. Use it on damp skin to slough away rough, dry skin. Rinse well and apply your favorite body moisturizer after your shower (coconut oil or almond oil are my favorites).

It is SO easy to make and such a thoughtful gift that everyone can enjoy (men too! ...B may not openly admit this, but he LOVES using the lavender-mint sugar scrub..hehe!).




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